Mauro Giuliani: Grande Ouverture, Op. 61 (score)
The OrpheusOnFire edition of this piece strives to place this famous work in a context more nuanced and lively than that of an overplayed virtuoso show piece.
The use of the word “ouverture” in the title suggests an orchestral influence. It’s a tired trope that the guitar is a “miniature orchestra,” and this has most often been connected to the instrument’s timbral qualities. Imitating other instruments is not the nexus of the connection, however. The guitar’s real orchestral quality lies in its textural capabilities, some of which are explored in this edition. The successful use of these textures relies on a fast tempo in the Allegro Maestoso section and the ability to project any part of a texture at will.
Included are detailed fingerings and interpretive suggestions.
Eleven pages of music, two pages of performance notes, information about OrpheusOnFire Editions, and a cover to use when printing and binding the score.